joi, 5 octombrie 2017

Masuri organizatorice
-         In atentia participantilor din teritoriu la miting

Stimati camarazi,
In situatia in care veniti la mitingul de sambata cu autocare sau microbuze, va rugam sa transmiteti Secretariatului General al S.C.M.D., pana vineri 6 octombrie 2017 orele 13.00, numerele de inmatriculare ale acestora, cu specificatia daca este microbuz sau autocar.
Dupa debarcarea in zona Academiei Militare, mijloacele de transport (microbuze, autocare) vor fi escortate de catre Politia Rutiera in zona stabilita pentru parcare (Calea 13 Septembrie – in fata Academiei Romane).

Biroul Operativ Central al S.C.M.D.

miercuri, 4 octombrie 2017

    Pentru participantii la mitingul din 07 octombrie 2017   
Stimati camarazi,
Conform previziunilor meteo, ploile vor inceta sambata pana la ora 11.00, cand vom incepe mitingul. Pentru orice eventualitate, insa, va recomandam sa va luati umbrele sau, mai bine, vechile noastre fasuri de ploaie, kaki ori albastre,  prin care nu trece nici vantul, nici ploaia. Oricum, este timpul ca Domnul sa-si mai intoarca fata si spre noi, ca ne-au ajuns 27 de ani de hotie, batjocura, minciuna si vanzare de Tara!

Honor et Patria! Vae Victis!

Presedintele SCMD,
Col.(r) dr. Mircea DOGARU




Topic: the existing threat in Romania of the Eastern flank of NATO


Registered in 2009 on the grounds of Council of Europe’s recommendation no. 1572/2002 Romania’s Union of Reservist Military (SCMD) is grouping reservist  military belonging to all structures of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Special Services of the country. Most of our members are former participants in NATO operations in the past, or have graduated various courses of defense policies in the USA, Canada, and other NATO member states.
Those who were trained in the North America were insistently asked: “Why the Romanian military trained in Moscow or Garmish are then promoted and given command positions, and those trained in North America, when they get back home, are shifted in the reservist corps?” Related to this story we can mention an investigation made in Romania in 2000 by a mixed Canadian-American team.
Connected with a possible answer to the above mentioned question, we inform you that, beginning the last month of May, a massive image and psychological war began in Romania and other parts against the Romanian military structures. We call it a war without comparison in the past, because the experiment initiated in 2010 by the former president of Romania, Traian Basescu, was far less dangerous.
In 2010, by a wave of propaganda lies, only we, the reservists were downgraded, insulted, publicly slandered, and transformed in socially assisted persons forced to survive on public mercy. Today, in 2017, are equally aggressed and demonized the military, the policemen and the reservists.

In 2010 we were aggressed by only a part of political class and of the media, today they are all aggressing us. No one wants to admit the fact that those much defamed laws on military wages and pensions were written in conformity with other NATO   member stats legislation and granted by Romania’s signature on the EU accession treaties. On the contrary, the politicians and the media stubbornly defend the statutes of the old military structures, those from the times of the former Warsaw Pact.
The spearhead of this offensive against the Military and the Police is the minister of Labor. However, since Jan. 1, 2016 this person has no legal authority whatsoever over the military system. Since that date it the Military is the job of the government, namely the Minister of Defense. This is the explanation of the dismissal of the minister of Defense, Mr. Adrian Tutuianu, exactly in those days when his people were negotiating at Washington a meeting of the minister with his American counterpart. The Romanian minister was on his way to do his duty, against the abusive misconduct of the minister of Labor.
By Unitary Wage System Law no. 153/2017 the wages of military and policemen were consistently lowered, and this is now the reason why the young generation is not interested anymore in these professions. A sample: today, the Chief of General Staff of Romanian Army has the wage of a ballet dancer at the State Opera, or a City Hall secretary.
As the former Military Pensions Law was already eliminated by Ordinance 57/2015 imposed upon ex-government Ciolos by some multinational firms, the reservists were totally disconnected from the active structures by the Government’s emergency order no. 59/2017 which is stipulating a manifest discrimination compared with the civilians, and also a double taxation. As this emergency order was announced in last July, to become active by Sep. 2017, practically the professionals in the Army, Police, Secret Services, and gendarme have applied   to be listed as reservists. Therefore, the Romanian Army has suffered a true bleeding of men and fighters, thousands went on pensions till Sep. 14. And on Sep. 14 the Russian Army was out in the field for the biggest military exercises in the history, on the Eastern flank of NATO. We consider those emergency orders of the government an unprecedented act of treason of NATO’s interests, by the disintegration of the Eastern flank of the Alliance, precisely at the moment of, and in front of a demonstration of force, a real treat against the Alliance. There are no more functional structures in the Army, Services and Internal Affairs, as a consequence of those massive retirements. For instance, from 961 active colonels two months ago, today are left only 97.
The media insults against the military structures goes on, the minister of Labor secretly prepares another new law of unitary system of pensions,  totally at odds with the NATO and EU member states legislation, a new law which will completely destroy the Romanian military reservist structures
As the Union of reservists, we continue to perform our duty. We remind you that such unsuccessful experiments happened in the past in many European states, that in 2010, along with Romania, such a legislation has appeared in Hungary, and the Hungarian Army took the streets in Fe.-March 2011. At that time our Union got in touch with our fellow Hungarians, has proposed a joint plan of action, for the best interest of our both countries, and of NATO, and has organized a series of street demonstrations and has acted in the Courts.
In an infinite more difficult situation we will try again to resist today, and respectfully draw tour attention upon the fact that in case we’ll lose this new battle, and the new experiment will succeed in Romania, it will infest all other NATO armies (see the recent resignation of France’s minister of Defense), and the collapse of NATO will be imminent.
Consequently, we address you the favour to get in touch with the President of Romania, and the Prime Minister on the topic of infringement of former assumed conditions, stipulated in Romania’s Treaty of adhesion to NATO, and also on the matter of the replacement of European and north-American legislation with one of Soviet-populist inspiration, one may say worse than the Stalinist legislation.
We believe that the legislative fluctuation and indecision in the field of Military and Police fields endanger any NATO strategies and investment in Romania, as it generates a lack of prognosis for the military and police corps, the ones who have efficiently collaborated with the Alliance, during their participation in the NATO missions.

Honor et patria! Vae victis!

S.C.M.D., Chairman

Col. (r) dr. Mircea DOGARU

vineri, 29 septembrie 2017

Conditiile deplasarii filialelor SCMD
la mitingul din 07.10.2017
-         In atentia domnilor vicepresedinti ai CD si a presedintilor de filiale –

Reiterand informatia ca avem aprobare pentru mitingul de sambata,               7 octombrie a.c., pentru Piata Eroilor (din fata Academiei Militare), asa cum dealtfel stabiliseram la CD, va aducem la cunostiinta urmatoarele:
-         La recenta adunare a Comitetului Director am convenit sa sprijinim financiar filialele care nu au suficiente fonduri din cota proprie;
-         In urma discutiilor cu reprezentantii Departamentului Financiar, Biroul Operativ Central va adreseaza rugamintea de a transmite, in cel mai scurt timp posibil, solicitarile privind remiterea sumelor de bani restante din cota de 40% din 2016 si 2017;
-         Luand in calcul sumele necesare organizarii CNR, conform Hotararii CD, sume care vor fi achitate integral din contul central, BOC  a decis sa sprijine toate filialale care se vor prezenta la miting cu jumatate din sumele necesare pentru deplasare.
Opinia noastra ramane aceea insusita la CD ca, epuizand toate posibilitatile de negociere in plan intern, in privinta legislatiei nedrepte indreptate impotriva militarilor si politistilor, mai avem doar sansa recurgerii la arbitrajul Aliatilor, adica al structurilor de conducere ale NATO. Desfasurarea Adunarii Anuale Parlamentare Nato la Bucuresti este o ocazie pe care n-o putem rata!

Honor et patria! Vae Victis!
Biroul Operativ Central al SCMD

joi, 28 septembrie 2017

Miting SCMD aprobat de PMB

Piata Eroilor / in fata Academiei Militare
07 octombrie 2017, orele 11.00 -18.00

         SCMD, aliatii din CNSC, sindicatele din MAI ii invita pe toti rezervistii si cetatenii nemultumiti de Legea salarizarii unitare, OUG57/2015, OUG59/2017, OUG 95/2014 si secretele planuri de Lege a pensiilor  sa participe la aceasta adunare de protest organizata, pe linie sindicala, de militari si politisti, in Piata Eroilor din fata Academiei Militare. Aici, in urma cu sase ani, in fata terorii basiste, infruntand Sistemul inca prezent, participantii la mitingul ocazionat de Ziua Internationala a Muncii Decente, au fondat, pe 7 octombrie 2015, Consiliul National al Societatii Civile si au alertat Consiliul Europei si Secretariatul General NATO asupra politicii si structurilor de politie politica de tip stalinista care au ingenunchiat Romania.
         Scopul actualului miting, organizat cu aprobarea PMB, este acela de a informa reprezentantii NATO, prezenti la Adunarea Parlamentara NATO la Bucuresti, despre gravele consecinte ale legislatiei amintite, asupra eficientei flancului estic al Aliantei Nord Atlantice si a capacitatii de aparare a Romaniei.
         Numai uniti vom inscrie Tara noastra pe drumul normalitatii si natiunea romana in randul natiunilor consolidate ale Europei si ale lumii. Ii asteptam, in primul rand pe toti cei care au depus, candva, un Juramant de credinta fata de Tara! De la soldat la general!

Honor et Patria! Vae Victis!
Presedintele SCMD,
Col.(r) dr. Mircea DOGARU

miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

Forma finala a Apelului catre Secretarul General NATO



Subiect: Amenintarea in Romania a stabilitatii flancului estic al Aliantei


Sindicatul Cadrelor Militare Disponibilizate (SCMD), infiintat in 2009 in baza Recomandarii nr. 1572/2002 a Consiliului Europei, grupeaza cadre militare in rezerva provenite din toate structurile Ministerului Apararii, Ministerului de Interne si Serviciilor speciale din Romania. In majoritate, membrii nostri sunt fosti participanti in Teatre de Operatii, sub stindard NATO, ori absolventi ai unor cursuri de pregatire in politici de aparare, urmate in SUA si Canada sau in alte state membre NATO.
         Celor care au fost pregatiti in America de Nord li s-a pus, cu obstinatie, intrebarea: “De ce militarii romani, pregatiti la Moscova sau la Garmish sunt la intoarcere avansati in grad si postati in functii de comanda, in timp ce aceia pregatiti in America de Nord, la intoarcere, sunt trecuti in rezerva?”. Reamintim in acest sens, ancheta pe teren, efectuata in anul 2000, de o echipa mixta canadiano-americana.
         In conexiune cu posibilul raspuns la aceasta intrebare, va informam prin prezenta, ca, incepand cu luna mai a acestui an, s-a declansat un razboi imagologic si psihologic fara precedent in Romania si in lume, impotriva structurilor militare romane. Fara precedent, deoarece, experimentul declansat in 2010 de presedintele Traian Basescu a fost incomparabil mai putin periculos.
         In 2010, va reamintim, am fost injositi, insultati, supusi oprobiului public, printr-un val de minciuni propagandistice si transformati in asistati social, traind (imagologic) din mila publica, numai noi, rezervistii. Astazi, in 2017, sunt atacati si demonizati, in egala masura, militarii si politistii activi si rezervistii.
         In 2010, ne agresau doar o parte a clasei politice si o parte a mass-media, astazi suntem obiectul ofensivei tuturor. Nimeni nu vrea sa constientizeze ca incriminatele legi privind salarizarea si pensionarea militarilor au fost elaborate in conformitate cu legislatia specifica din statele membre NATO si asumate de Romania prin Anexele Tratatului de aderare. Sunt aparate, cu indarjire,  statutele structurilor militare, vechi, din perioada Tratatului de la Varsovia.
         Varful de lance al ofensivei impotriva militarilor si politistilor este ministrul Muncii care, legal, nu mai are de la 1 ianuarie 2016, nici o competenta asupra sistemului militar de care raspunde in mod nemijlocit, in Guvern, ministrul Apararii. Aceasta este explicatia demiterii, printr-o diversiune tipic KGB-ista, a ministrului Apararii – Adrian TUTUIANU, exact in momentul in care cei care puteau sa-l protejeze, negociau la Washington intalnirea domniei sale cu omologul american. Ministrul a incercat sa-si faca datoria, impotrivindu-se masurilor abuzive luate de ministrul Muncii.
         Prin Legea nr. 153/2017 a salarizarii unitare, au fost coborati coeficientii de salarizare a militarilor si politistilor, in bataie de joc, la cote ce fac meseriile respective neatractive pentru tineri. Astfel, Seful Statului Major al Armatei Romane are coeficientul de salarizare 4,36, similar unui balerin angajat la Opera de Stat sau unei secretare de primarie.
In ceea ce-i priveste pe rezervisiti, a caror Lege a pensiilor militare de stat, a fost deja distrusa de Ordonanta 57/2015 a Guvernului Ciolos impus de multinationale, care i-a denaturat intregul sens, acestia au fost complet decuplati de structurile active, prin Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 59/2017, care legifereaza, impotriva lor, discriminarea fata de civili si dubla impozitare. Data in luna iulie a.c., aceasta ordonanta anunta ca va intra in vigoare cu 15 septembrie, indemnandu-i, practic, pe profesinistii din Armata, Jandarmerie, Politie si Servicii sa treaca rapid in rezerva. Fortele Armate Romane au suferit, asadar, o adevarata hemoragie de cadre si luptatori, acestia pensionandu-se cu miile, pana la data de 14 septembrie, data declansarii celei mai mari aplicatii, din Istorie, a Armatei Rosii, la flancul estic al NATO. Masura a fost si este  considerata de noi un act de tradare nationala fara precedent dar si un act de tradare a intereselor NATO, prin demantelarea flancului estic al Aliantei, exact in fata unei demonstratii de forta care poate fi considerata o amenintare. Nu mai exista structure functionale in Armata, Servicii si Interne ca urmare a pensionarilor masive. Exemplu: din 961 colonei activi, am ramas in doua luni cu 97.
Bataia de joc mediatica la adresa structurilor militare continua, intr-un secret absolut ministrul Muncii pregatind o lege a sistemului unitar de pensii care, in dispretul intregii legislatii de profil din statele membre NATO si UE, va distruge complet rezerva structurilor militare romanesti.
Ca sindicat al rezervistilor, noi ne-am facut si ne facem in continuare datoria. Drept care, va atragem atentia ca astfel de experimente au avut loc, fara succes, in mai multe state europene, iar in 2010, cand experimentul parea a fi reusit in Romania, o legislatie identica a aparut in Ungaria, scotand armata ungara in strada, in perioada februarie-mai 2011. Sindicatul nostru a luat, atunci, legatura cu camarazii unguri, propunand un plan comun de actiune in interesul ambelor armate si tari dar si al NATO si a organizat in intreaga Romanie ample manifestatii stradale si actiuni in justitie.
Intr-o situatie infinit mai grea, astazi, vom incerca din nou sa rezistam, atragandu-va insa, respectuos, atentia ca, daca vom pierde noua batalie si noul experiment va reusi in Romania, el se va extinde rapid asupra tutuor armatelor statelor membre NATO (a se vedea motivele recentei demisii a ministrului Apararii francez) si colapsul NATO va fi iminent.
Pe cale de consecinta, va transmitem rugamintea de a ii interpela pe Presedintele Romaniei si pe Primul Ministru, pe tema nerespectarii conditiilor asumate, inclusiv in Anexe, de Romania, prin Tratatul de aderare la NATO si a inlocuirii legislatiei de tip european si nord-american cu masuri de inspiratie clar populist-sovietica, mai mult decat staliniste.
Consideram ca fluctuatia si oscilatia legislativa, in privinta militarilor si politistilor romani, pericliteaza orice strategie si investitie NATO in Romania, prin lipsa de predictibilitate a carierei cadrelor militare si de politie déjà pregatite si care au colaborat eficient cu fortele Aliantei, in cadrul misiunilor NATO.

Honor et patria! Vae victis!

Presedintele S.C.M.D.
Col. (r) dr. Mircea DOGARU