Mesaj catre domnul Jose Manuel Barroso
In atentia tuturor membrilor SCMD si a
tuturor partenerilor din cadrul CNSC
Doamnelor si domnilor,
Va transmitem in randurile de mai jos, ca
model, un mesaj catre fostul activist comunist, de tip maoist, Jose Manuel
Barroso, care si-a permis sa se amestece nejustificat in problemele interne ale
Romaniei. Mesajul a fost conceput de catre unul dintre expertii SCMD din
departamentul relatii si poate fi preluat, semnat si trimis ca atare, de
fiecare dintre dvs.
Individul in cauza, numitul Barroso,
trebuie sa invete ca Romania nu este ograda in care se poata juca cum vrea el.
Adresa la care ii puteti transmite gandurile dumneavoastra este:
Adresa la care ii puteti transmite gandurile dumneavoastra este:
Cu multumiri,
Presedintele SCMD,
Col. (r) dr. Mircea DOGARU
" Dear Sir,
It is for the second
time when I am writing to you. The first time was before our presidential
In case if you do not
know, I wolud like to inform you that your undesirable support for our
suspended president was a huge mistake!
It makes me to think
that Europe is not helping Romania but a small group of interests represented
by our bigest liar (see the evolution of the boycot).
I am wondering how you
will stay shoulder to shoulder with this guy at a future European
Neglecting our people,
7.4 million who voted against him (and by the way, do you real think that
so many people made a mistake?) you sent us a message that you do not care
about Romania, you took care about an ilegitim leader. Now, Romanians
think that theirs votes do not matter, so next time they will stay at
This will be democracy? Your „friend”
does not represent me any more, and others 7.4 million of Romanians, the
majority of our politicaly active population. I hope you and Angela
Merkel are happy now. Enjoy this!
Your sincerely,
Colonel (ret) V. Mihai "